The inter-genre phenomenon of the cycle “Program of works” by Lev Rubinstein
Ekaterina Zhilene, Olga Bogdanova, Anna Ryabchikova, Elizaveta Vlasova: The inter-genre phenomenon of the cycle “Program of works” by Lev Rubinstein
Ad Alta. - vol. 13, issue 01 (2023) – С. 35-38
Abstract: The article is devoted to the analysis of Lev Rubinstein’s early conceptual
practices, in particular his cycle “Program of Works” (1975). The research is
undertaken in order to comprehend the role of the cycle “Program of Works” in the
formation of Rubinstein’s poetic world at its early stage and to expose its influence on
the theory and practice of “Moscow romantic conceptualism” (B. Groys). The authors
of the article outline the dynamics of Rubinstein’s experimental moves in his
promotional texts 1970s-1980-s and identify the inter-genre dominants of
L. Rubinstein’s literary text, formulate the principles of conceptualist strategies put
forward and tested by the poet in those years.
Keywords: Rubinstein; conceptualism; “Program of Works”; genre; strategy.


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